Imagine a magical place on the green island: a dreamy house in a large garden,  a river flowing to a lake, a forest full of moss-covered stones and trees. You are surrounded by the sounds of birds and you come across deer. 

In the midst of this peace, you treat yourself to an Aloha retreat. And immerse yourself in your center. You cleanse yourself, find forgiveness and clarity within yourself and meet your spiritual guides - from guardian angels to spirit power animals. You greet your soul and open your heart. After three days, you feel carried, lighter and loved. Aloha = Everything is love. 


And if this sounds too quiet: the nearest pub is 10 minutes away, the sea with a surf school is a 30 minutes drive - and there are many places of power, old monasteries and ruins waiting for you in the area.

Are you interested? Just write to me! 

Enjoy relaxing days in the middle of nature

  • Basics of Huna
  • Ho'oponopono (Hawaiian forgiveness ritual)
  • Fire ritual and connection with the natural elements
  • Shamanic drum journeys for cleansing, clarification and potential recognition
  • Encounter with personal protective companions and search for power animals
  • Hawaiian birthday ritual if necessary


Energy compensation for the retreat: 333 euros per person

Group size: 5-8 people

The retreat will be held in English and German language, according to participants' preference. 

Start on 01.05.2024 at 17hrs; end on 04.05.2024 at 15hrs

Location: Knockvicar House, West Ireland, County Roscommon 

Please book your travel and accommodation yourself. 

A retreat experience in a group is not what you are looking for right now? Would you rather like a meditation retreat alone or as a couple?

  • 3 days 
  • one or two participants 
  • English and/or German language
  • 888 euros per person
  • location: Ireland, Switzerland or Germany
  • Individual content as desired (e.g. cleansing, clarification, forgiveness rituals, fire rituals, mantra singing, vision quest, potential recognition) 
  • individual shamanic healing session
  • personal message from the spiritual world


Are you interested? Just write to me!